Cognac Frapin partner of the "Les 3 coups de Jarnac" theatre festival

The “3 coups de Jarnac” theatre festival was founded in 2020 by Pierre Bonnier, with the goal of bringing together the rich heritage of the Charente region and the diversity of the French repertoire. Taking place at various places in the Charente region, the festival works hard to make theatre accessible to all. Cognac Frapin is proud to be a partner of the festival for its 4th edition.

For one evening, Cognac Frapin is opening its Eiffel cellar to the theatre company and welcoming spectators among the foudres of cognac and the framework of the famous architect.

With its rich historical heritage, the Frapin family counts François Rabelais, the French writer of the Renaissance, among its ancestors. So it was to the story of this man of letters that the choice of the play to be produced by the writer’s descendants was made.

On 31 July 2023, the 350 spectators were treated to the play “François Rabelais, portait d’un homme qui n’a pas souvent dormi tranquille”, by Philippe Sabres and Jean-Pierre Andréani, based on the life of the 16th-century writer.